Photo: Marlon Mendonça Dias
Hi, my name is Heleen, the owner of She-P. A lot of my free time is spent underwater, cave diving, some photography and filming. I invented the She-P back in 2006, because, in my opinion, it was just not fair that the boys could make nice long dives with their condom caths and P-valve, and we – the girls – had to use diapers, or couldn’t drink before a longer dive.
The first She-P was hand made, and dipped in several layers of brown or black latex. It took four hours to make one. My best friends helped test the first models, which sometimes led to hilarious situations. One of my Dutch friends, who was happy with her She-P, posted a review on a big scuba forum in the USA. From that time, more and more girls started asking for one, and so I decided to start selling them, officially.
In 2008, I got feedback from girls, saying they had an allergy for latex. A good friend of mine designed a mold, so I could start experimenting with silicone: the silicone She-P was born. These She-P’s had a ‘clear whitewash’ look. Two years later, due to a new formula silicone, all She-P’s became blue. In 2012, the distributor sent me clear silicone and special pigment which gave me the opportunity to add cool colors like red, black and pink.
Lately, girls from other sports are starting to ask for the She-P: like long distance racing, gliding, and cold water kite surfing and paragliding It is really great to hear their enthusiastic feedback, and to find out that the She-P offers the same comfort to them, as it does for divers.
Up to today, every She-P is still hand made by me, in my little ‘factory’ at home.
From 2018-2019 I worked on a new, improved model of the She-P, together with Laura James. This has been the effort of ten years of experience combined with listening to the feedback from our loyal users and the result was the She-P 3.0. The new model has been enthusiastically tested by a diverse team of divers with great results.
All information about the She-P, funny or interesting articles, and photos of happy She-P users can be found on this website. More information will be added, now and then. You can also join the girls-only She-P Sisterhood on Facebook.